Unleash the power of Kudos!
Kudos and appreciation are pure energy to fuel your team.
Upgrade your team to the next level
You know the research. Psycological safety and engaged teams can give you over 20% increased productivity, improve your staff turn-over with 20% and increase the wellbeing in your team.
But what does it mean for us as human beings?
Even if my colleagues have their strange sides, I know how they contribute and make my work easier and happier!
When I know all the areas I’m appreciated for, I know that the contructive feedback I receive is about what’s said, and nothing else.
Recognizing that I am a valued member of the team empowers me to explore new ideas without the fear of being perceived as a failure.
Words about Hawen
You’re one hour from a stronger team
Use the Hawen appreciation platform to strengthen the relations in your team
We guide you all the way!
Build happy, resilient and productive teams where people are proud to stay
Energy boost
At the kick-off, the team excercise or the celebration
Increased collaboration
Expressing appreciation and Kudos will do your team good
Understand your team
Analyze the words of appreciation to understand your team
Does people in a startup always crave for creativity and total anotomy? Well, the people at this startup wants a firm captain to guide the ship.
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