Languages at Qdos2U
As you have seen, we currently have our web page written in English. This goes for both the public site, and the solution where you run the actual Qdos2U service. Of course, you can set your browser to translate the texts.
When you run the Qdos2U service, you can decide what language you want your participants to use when they share they appreciation with each other. We want to increase the numbers of supported languages to serve your needs as much as possible. To see if your preferred language is supported, please look below.
Where do we work with the Qdos2U language support
We use different language tools and analysis in the Qdos2U service to improve the quality of the given kudos and to create the results from the exercise. Important to know, that when we are processing or analysing phrases, we have removed the connection between any individual (giver and receiver) and the phrase.
Language checks
Each kudos provided by your participants is spell checked. We are also analysing the phrases to detect any offensive or slanderous phrase, should anyone try to misuse Qdos2U.
Rating of kudos
Text analysis is used to rate each kudos, to identify and select the most positive phrases given to each participant. For the curious reader, the rating is sentiment analysis based on VADER1.
Qdos Insights
For the initiatives where Qdos Insights is used, additional text analysis is applied to group and classify different phrases based on the content.
1 Hutto, C.J. & Gilbert, E.E. (2014). VADER: A Parsimonious Rule-based Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text. Eighth International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 2014.