Triple jump towards a tighter team
Jonathan Edwards has made an incredible jump of 18,29 meters. That is longer that a full-size American flatbed trailer! Back in 1995, during the world athletic championships in Gothenburg, he was in the final of the Tripple jump and showed the world how to master the discipline.
A triple jump consists of three parts, the Hop, the Step and the Jump. Each part took Mr. Edwards closer to everlasting fame.
Using this as an analogy, we use three jumps of kudos to tighten a team.
The Hop – Give

You can’t share kudos without thinking about the person you’ll give kudos to. Doing so it will remind you what a great person you work close to. And repeat that for five, six, seven… other colleagues, and it will be impossible for you not to be reminded about that you’re actually part a pretty good team. That’s the first boost.
The Step – Receive

The second boost takes place when you get to read what kudos your closest colleagues are giving you. To read kudos after kudos, personal and honest… The feeling is difficult to describe in other words than – WOW!
The Jump – Share

Now you have reminded yourself about that you actually work with great people, and you’ve learned how great think you are. But we are still not at the end yet, we have one more boost until we reach our 18,29. The third boost comes when you understand that it’s not just you and your closest colleagues that are great. The whole organization is full of people who are great and liked by their colleagues. And with that insight, we promise you that the team has grown a bit tighter.